.NET API for ZingChart

This is a .NET assembly that accepts key value pairs in the form of a dictionary object. It also allows you to set the properties needed for a ZingChart. It includes a ToJSON method that returns the appropriate JSON to rend either a Flash or HTML 5 version of ZingChart.

ASP.NET HTML5 Controls

asphtml5.zip (13,9 MB)
DotM.Html5 is a library for ASP.NET in which html 5 controls are available for use. This control set contains new input type elements like 'email', 'number', etc. and new elements like 'section', 'nav', etc. introduced in HTML 5. Version 1.0 of DotM.HTML5 contains elements for the following html5 elements: article aside audio canvas datalist details figcaption figure footer header hgroup input, color input, date input, datetime input, datetimelocal input, email input, month input, number input, search input, tel input, text input, time input, url input, week keygen meter nav output progress range section source summary time track video

HTML 5 Canvas Library

A basic HTML 5 canvas drawing library for those familiar with the java.awt.Graphics class in Java. It also comes with a JavaScript implementation of the game Breakout to demonstrate using the library.


codeshow.zip (183,1 MB)
This is a Windows 8 HTML/JS project with the express goal of showing simple how-to concepts for developing in Windows 8 using JavaScript (codefoster.com)


dala.zip (18,0 MB)
"Dala" means "basket". The project is like a basket, contains lots of different type of project ideas. As of now dala has 2 parts code samples & Asp.Net MVC 4

SAY IT WITH CSS! Slide Show implemented as pure CSS3 / HTML 5 solution

DemoCSS.zip (199 kB)
The solution demonstrates CSS3 coding technique, which allows to implement online slide show with "darkbox" (or "lightbox") effects using pure CSS3 and HTML5; it does not require any Javascript/jQuery coding.

Html behavior

Html behavior is a library through we can create (with javascript) something like the xaml behavior.

iSmart Creator

iSmart Creator


This is a wonderful implementation of page flipper entirely based on HTML 5 <canvas> tag. It means that it can work in any browser that supports HTML 5 standard draft - just out of the box!

MVPcs Dark Skin

Welcome to the MVPcs Dark Skin Project A custom DNN® skin starting point for those whom want it their way. This skin Uses HTML5, css3 and a responsive design

SocialShare Starter Kit

SocialShare.zip (13,5 MB)
SocialShare Starter Kit is a web application that illustrate a wide range of features that needed to build a social site.This web application framework written in C# ASP.NET 4.0. and will include features like Status sharing,Blogs,Forums & more.Anyone with a good understanding of html and css should find it straightforward creating custom themes.This architecture reference and the code generators will help you to find out simple solution to complex problems and good reference to build different application layers, such as presentation layer, business logic layer, data access layer and using latest ASP.NET 4.0, Entity Framework 4.0, SQL Server 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 based technologies with HTML5 supported UI. Any one need a lightweight quick solution for his social portal,SocialShare Starter Kit is the savior.

ASP.NET Embedded Video Player (YouTube™ API, C#)

ASP.NET Embedded Video Player (YouTube™ API, C#)

Web Sticky Notes

Web Sticky Notes is a collaborative sticky-notes board with drag-and-drop between swim lanes. You can set up many projects, each with their own task-streams and tasks. People and priorities that you set up are shared among all projects.